Monday 22 August 2011

HP TouchPad 16 GB Wifi for Just Rs.7129+ Taxes


If you told me last week that I'd be buying an HP TouchPad this evening, I probably wouldn't have believed you. But in the wake of the company's stunning decision to pull the plug on support for webOS devices, including the TouchPad, the fire sales have started and I nabbed a 16GB version for Rs.7129+Taxes. The 16GB, which some were purchasing for $99 earlier in the night, are apparently out of stock on the HP's company's Web site.

Although many Indian geeks were starving for this Tablet..... there was no option left than just watching the Sold Out Stamps everywhere over the US and Canadian Website.

But we at have brought you a fantastic Idea to buy this Tablet in India @ Just Rs.7129 +Taxes And Duties.
To rescue you 20North has brought a SUPERB Deal:

Now Dont Waste Your Time And Directly Purchase this Tablet From HERE

Final Price is Around Rs.9256 only.....
But You don't get Any Tablet Within this price range.
So Better Hurry...........

Various tech blogs around the Web are pointing to a PreCentral post that is currently down, but it appears that the discounts first went live in Canada at Best Buy, Future Shop, The Source, London Drugs, and Staples. Indeed, the Canadian Best Buy site lists the 16GB TouchPad for $99. Future Shop also has it listed, but says it's unavailable.

According to Daily Tech, however, PreCentral posted a memo that HP reportedly sent to its affiliates. "HP will be lowering the price of the TouchPad beginning Saturday 8/20/11. This is the lowest price ever for the TouchPad so please post it as soon as it goes live. 16GB TouchPad- $99; 32GB TouchPad - $149," the note reads.

Why would you buy a TouchPad? The device has received largely positive reviews, with the main drawback being the lack of apps. That's not likely to improve with the TouchPad's demise, but if you just want a tablet for browsing the Web, it's not a bad deal.

Are you seeing the cheaper TouchPads showing up on any other sites? Did you buy one? Let us know in the comments.

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Saturday 30 July 2011

Voice (Speech) to Text Conversion



Voice technologies have just been put into commercial use recently because the computing resource needed by SR (Speech Recognition) and TTS (text-to-speech) is very large. In the mid to late 1990s, personal computers started to become powerful enough to support ASR/TTS .The two key underlying technologies behind these advances are SR and TTS. SR means to transform our speech into text mode; TTS means to transform text into voice output.

Our Application deals with speech, IDE recognize the speech comming from the microphone and convert it into Text and tagging for IDE as well as the Speech applications are like conversations between the user and the computer. Conversations are characterized by turn­taking, shifts in initiative, and verbal and non­verbal feedback to indicate understanding.

A major benefit of incorporating speech in an application is that speech is natural: people find speaking easy, conversation is a skill most master early in life and then practice frequently. At a deeper level, naturalness refers to the many subtle ways people cooperate with one another to ensure successful communication. An effective speech application is one that simulates some of these core aspects of human­human conversation. Since language use is deeply ingrained in human behavior, successful speech interfaces should be based on an understanding of the different ways that people use language to communicate. Speech applications should adopt language conventions that help people know what they should say next and that avoid conversational patterns that violate standards of polite, cooperative behavior.
An example of Speech to Text Application in iPhone


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Tracking Path of Objects: Cyclopes


Cyclopes (Tracking Path of Objects)

Detecting and tracking objects during a sporting event is an active research area. Tracking the ball in tennis poses many challenges due to the balls small size and high speed. Tennis ball tracking enables virtual replays, new game statistics, and other visualizations which result in novel ways of experiencing and analyzing tennis matches. Several other applications including computer-assisted refereeing and player training can also benefit from real-time tracking of the tennis ball.

Aim :
The system must perform following functions:
1. Capture the live video.
2. Convert the captured video into frames.
3. Convert the RGB format to GRAY scale.
4. Perform Template matching to obtain the co-ordinates of the ball.
5. Compare the co-ordinates of incoming frame with the static frame.
6. Finally display the output.


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Serverless Disributed System



This project aims to develop a fully functioning peer-to-peer file sharing application.The advantage of this type of network system as opposed to the traditional client-server networks is that the information stored across the peer-to-peer network is uniquely de-centralized. The design strategy begins with a literature review of computer networksystems followed by the discussion of JUXTAPOSE technology - the framework utilizedfor the application development. To establish the design owchart for the final file sharing application, it is imperative to identify the application requirements including secure login, content sharing, uploading resources and many more. 

Moreover, a user-friendly graphical interface was created to ease the use of this application. The main frame window is the parent to all the components encapsulating the functionality of application components. This mainframe is then categorized into tabs, each being responsible for a specific task. Having explained the graphical outcome of this application, this report then develops on to the application implementation giving examples of various sections of source codes were appropriate for better understanding. Clearly, application testing is the final and one of the most essential stages in the application development procedure.

This application is compatible with Windows XP Professional, Solaris 10, Linux Ubuntu 7.4 and Linux Slackware 10 operating systems. Once the fully functioning application has been established, there is always room for improvement. This could be included in the future work such as the download of multiple files at the same time and improving the speed of downloads.

Society is growing increasingly dependent upon large-scale, highly distributed systems that operate in unbounded network environments. Information technology penetrates into many aspects of life for an increasing number of people throughout the world, enriching our lives to a large extent. Information sharing is one of the major branches in the computer/IT world. Information sharing over interconnected computer systems is a proven boon to us, reducing our burden of manually transferring data. But there is also a huge amount of complexity involved in maintaining the information and making it available to a large group of users. This can be achieved in many possible means, but to achieve it in a cost effective manner is a challenging task. We thereby propose to develop a system that encourages easy file sharing in a cost effective manner.

Nowadays information sharing is the need of the day. Many organisations like school, colleges, hostels, corporate offices etc follow this practice in order to share data so that it is readily available to all. The general practice followed for this is using the client server architecture. But sometimes there actually isn't a need for a server. Purchasing a server and maintaining it really adds up to huge sums in terms of costs involved. Hence, we thought if we could design a system where we can eliminate the use of a server thereby cutting down huge costs and other overheads involved in it. Also searching for a small file in a LAN consisting of hundreds of nodes becomes a tedious task. We also propose to simplify and optimise searching.

Objectives and Scope:
  • File sharing in a closed network
  • Optimizing search operations
  • Reducing costs by eliminating the need of a server
  • Scope: Can be beneficial to any organization which consists of a local area network.

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Node Failure System


The basic application of the software is to detect a fail node over a network and after detecting a fail node to diagnose the respective node/s. It will also detect the software failure over a network and if any will repair the same. The software will diagnose mainly the application softwares such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word,MS-Acces,etc.and some system softwares too.

Project Statement :
To create a monitoring system this detects failure node and automatic installation of failure software.

Detect the failure node and repair the Software if required by clients. A fail-silent node is a self-checking node that either functions correctly or stops functioning after an internal failure is detected. Such a node can be constructed from a number of conventional processors. In a software-implemented fail-silent node, the non-faulty processors of the node need to execute message order and comparison protocols to 'keep in step' and check each other respectively

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Mall Bluetooth Advertisement


This system is used for advertisement purpose. In case of malls, if they want to advertise theire product they can use this software.
"Advertising via SMS just doesn't get the picture across (literally) and costs money, while ads via MMS cost even more money. So Bluetooth advertising seems poised to give maximum impact with minimum expenditure."
Basically the cell phone get messages of advertisement (of mall)if their bluetooth or internet is activated in phone..

This will be usefull for advertise them with less cost.(just keep this software running on system )

I was in the mall, and realized my mobile was getting an incoming 3gp file via Bluetooth. It was an advertisement from Nike and was apparently being transmitted by the Nike retail store. Very innovative. The Nike retail store actually constantly transmits Bluetooth files to all the Bluetooth phones around which are set to Bluetooth visible mode. I don't know how long this method of advertising has been around, but it's rather cool.

The picture shows my mobile being transmitted a 3gp file via Bluetooth outside a Nike retail store. The Nike shop will send you a short 15-second video clip (3gp) with a nice Nike clip. For those who like to collect 3gp clips, stand around those Nike shops and you'll get your free clip via Bluetooth. Just make sure you have Bluetooth powered up on your mobile and it's on visible mode.

So far, the Nike shop at Midvalley Megamall and 1 Utama in Malaysia seem to have this advertising ability.

Call it innovative? At the time Bluetooth was in its infancy, it would have been considered Blujacking. At least nowadays most of the newer Bluetooth devices do ask before accepting a transfer.

Keeps me wondering what other commercial capabilities they will make out of the Bluetooth technology. 


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Adaptive De-Clustering of Data


:Adaptive Overlapped De-Clustering:

In a competitive environment, enterprises based on information systems are required to have computer systems that are both highly available and easily scalable. High availability is essential to both customer satisfaction and employee productivity. Scalability is vital in responding to spikes in business and supporting the rapid rollout of new products and services.

The system represents a new strategy for increasing the availability of data in multi-processor, shared-nothing database machines. This technique, termed chained declustering, is demonstrated to provide superior performance in the event of failures while maintaining a very high degree of data availability. Furthermore, unlike earlier replication strategies, the implementation of chained declustering requires no special hardware and only minimal modifications to existing software.

The Project proposes a new data-placement method named Adaptive Overlapped Declustering, which can be applied to a parallel storage system using a value range partitioning-based distributed directory and primary-backup data replication, to improve the space utilization by balancing their access loads. The proposed method reduces data skews generated by data migration for balancing access load. While some data-placement methods capable of balancing access load or reducing data skew have been proposed, both requirements satisfied simultaneously. It also improves the reliability and availability of the system because it reduces recovery time for damaged backups after a disk failure. The method achieves this acceleration by reducing a large amount of network communications and disk I/O.

As far as any network is concerned the basic problem is to identify the amount of data storage on the computer system. To achieve high availability and scalability of large storage system is the very important task of today’s existing Information based system. To fulfill these requirements many data placement methods are available in the current market while some data placements methods capable enough to balance the load or reducing data skew simultaneously.

Adaptive overlapped Chained De-clustering is a method used to manage replicated data. It is usually implemented in shared nothing architecture. This technique is capable of providing both high availability in addition to being able to fully balance the workload among the operational nodes in the event of a failure.

We describe and evaluate a strategy for de-clustering the parity encoding in a redundant disk array. This de-clustered parity organization balances cost against data reliability and performance during failure recovery. It is targeted at highly-available parity-based arrays for use in continuous operation systems. It improves on standard parity organizations by reducing the additional load on surviving disks during the reconstruction of a failed disk’s contents. This yields higher user throughput during recovery, and/or shorter recovery time. We first address the generalized parity layout problem, basing our solution on balanced incomplete and complete block designs. A software implementation of de-clustering is then evaluated using a disk array simulator under a highly concurrent workload comprised of small user accesses. We show that de-clustered parity penalizes user response time while a disk is being repaired (before and during its recovery) less than comparable non-de-clustered (RAID5) organizations without any penalty to user response time in the fault-free state.

We then show that previously proposed modifications to a simple, single-sweep reconstruction algorithm further decrease user response times during recovery, but, contrary to previous suggestions, the inclusion of these modifications may, for many configurations, also slow the reconstruction process. This result arises from the simple model of disk access performance used in previous work, which did not consider throughput variations due to positioning delays.

The disk array architecture known as Mirrored Array, a data replication approach, can provide significant increasing at the levels of reliability and performance of disk systems. One solution for organising two data copies in the disk system is the method called Chained De-clustering. In this work, the performances provided by three policies for the Chained De-clustering are compared. These policies are: Shortest Queue Policy, Shortest Seek-Time Policy and Delayed Secondary Write Policy. Simulation results showed that the Shortest Seek-Time policy provides slightly better performance than the Shortest Queue policy. However, when the number of secondary writes performed immediately decreases, the Delayed Secondary Write policy can provide better performance than the Shortest Seek-Time policy. The Delayed Secondary Write policy can improve the performance of disk arrays considering the Chained De-clustering technique, maintaining a high level of reliability.How proposed system different:

We are going to develope a structure of multi-processor, shared-nothing database machines for increasing the availability of data. This technique is associated with the term chained de-clustering, which is demonstrated to provide superior performance in the event of failures while maintaining a very large data with high degree of availability. In the implementation of chained de-clustering there is no requirement of special hardware and only minimal modifications to existing software.

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